Functionality of Excel vs Google Sheets

Google’s online offerings continue to grow and expand. Can Google Sheets replace Excel, or even stand side by side with it yet? Well… Not really. But it’s getting better. A few months ago, Google rolled out significant updates to their series of lite...

History of Creating Google Apps

It’s sometimes hard to believe just how quickly Google rose to prominence in the online world. Even though the service is only about fifteen years old, they’ve grown at truly astounding rates to become, not just the best search, but one of the premiere...

Four Ways Google Apps Enhances Mobility

“Mobility” has grown far beyond simple mobile phones.  One might even say it’s grown legs and run off! Mobility today means freedom and universality.  A business with workers who can carry on regardless of their location is a business that’s...

Which is cheaper Google Apps or Office 365?

One of the hardest things when planning a move onto a cloud architecture is what your total cost of ownership (TCO) is going to truly be.  All the costs are never stated up-front, especially when matters like migration or re-training come into play. In terms of...