3 Reasons to Consider Cloud ERP

Are you wondering what the next step is for your ERP software? Concerned about data security, employee access, or the costs associated with internal server maintenance? The world is moving quickly into the cloud for all these reasons and more. Research predicts that...

The ROI of IT

No one underestimates the importance of a CFO to a great organization – they manage the financial health and well-being of the company and are often responsible for its success. They are also responsible for allocating investment budgets and are typically rather...

Why Your CFO Will Learn to Love the Cloud

We know that businesses are moving to the cloud for all kinds of great reasons – better collaboration, improved security, and increased productivity – but what exactly are the financial benefits? What will convince your CFO to love the cloud? Today we look...

Online Collaboration Will Accelerate Your Company

In offices today communication has changed – emails fly back and forth faster than ever and teams need to stay on top of the ongoing conversation in order to meaningfully contribute and to get things done. It’s estimated that 50% of the average employee’s work...